Koltur Research Station
Currently, Koltur Research Station is located in the restored stone house Niðri í Húsi. It can accommodate up to four researchers at a time and is equipped with the basic facilities needed to conduct fieldwork.
Researchers are welcome to spend time at the station to work on projects connected to biodiversity and ecological processes in Koltur or the Faroe Islands in general. If you are interested, send your CV and a short project description including preferred date and duration of a research stay to savn@savn.fo. Contact us via email (agnes@savn.fo or janus@savn.fo) for further information.
Former projects
Tobias Plieninger (University of Göttingen and University of Kassel, Germany), Ragnheiður Bogadóttir (University of the Faroe Islands), Nora Fagerholm (University of Turku, Finland), Eydfinn Magnussen (University of the Faroe Islands), Anton S. Olafsson (University of Copenhagen, Denmark), Christopher M. Raymond (University of Helsinki, Finland), Laura N. H. Verbrugge (Aalto University, Finland): “Exploring the sustainability potential of the values, rules, and knowledge around cultural practices of natural resource use in the Faroe Islands”
Thomas Kompa (PhD biologist, independent consultant): “Mapping of plant communities on Koltur” (work in progress)
Mathilde Juul Østergaard (University of Copenhagen, Denmark): “Habitat classification and mapping of present and future structures and management zones on Koltur”
Johan Henrik Funder Castenschiold (Aarhus University, Denmark): "The potential use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for seabird monitoring in the Faroes – a pilot study"