Toke Thomas Høye
(Aarhus University)
Koltur Nature Reserve
In the near future, a nature reserve will be established on Koltur. As a first step towards that goal, Tjóðsavnið is conducting an inventory of life on the island by recording the plant, bird, and invertebrate diversity. This will enable the long-term monitoring of ecological changes, research on species interactions, active nature restoration measures, and the use of Koltur for recreational and educational purpose.
Baseline study
Tjóðsavnið is currently investigating plant, bird, and invertebrate diversity on Koltur to be used as a baseline for future plans. In addition, protocols are established for standardized sampling design and data management following the FAIR guiding principles for scientific data management and stewardship.
The project has been funded by the Aage V. Jensen Fund for a duration of three years (2021-2023).
The Koltur research team
The current inhabitants of the island
Future plans
Upon conclusion of the baseline study, the Koltur nature reserve will be divided into differently managed areas. Some of them will be open to the general public, whereas others will be restricted to scientific purpose. Grazing pressure will be reduced by removing sheep from some areas, and the resulting ecological changes will be closely monitored and studied.
Map of Koltur highlighting different habitat types and management zones, as well as sampling plots (red dots), different walking routes (dashed lines) and various structures planned for the future, e.g., a fence dividing the nature reserve from the cultural heritage site (bold black line).